Unsolicited commercial advertisements are absolutely not permitted on this forum. TPDesign 4 supports these devices: I'm sorry for not being all that clear about my intent. Or, if you already have an account, please login now. If the end goal is to be able to make changes to the functionality of the system, yourselves, without using the services of the original AV installer then replicating the touch panel file is not going to give you the results you want. Hi, I'm new here so forgive me if this isn't in the right category. I literally have no knowledge of this type of programming. amx tpdesign

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amx tpdesign

Total Control Remotes Super Member. The control code resides on the AMX controller that the touch panel is talking too so unless you can change that you can not change the functionality of the system. If the end goal is to be able to make changes to the functionality of the system, yourselves, without using the services of the original AV installer then replicating the touch panel file tpdesing not going to give you the tpdesig you want.

I talked to someone on another forum. This is one of only a handful of tasks I've been assigned in a 3 month time span.

amx tpdesign

He said there's a way to pull the files off the panel. A better solution may be to develop software to work with alternative control devices such as http: Before you can reply to a message Apparently support from the AMX installation company has been really bad and my boss no longer has interest in dealing with them.

amx tpdesign

Agree with above, the pages may be dynamically created within the AMX code. I would think 3 to 4 weeks full time on it and you could do a decent job, if you boss thinks its a 2 or 3 day task then probably not How can I gain access to the processor? You can still modify the graphics, but you must maintain the same element name, page names, channel, address numbers. The software I've been given to accomplish this task is called "TPDesign4" So basically my main questions are.

Do you have any of the original programs? It's good to know that TPDesign4 can only do the graphics, that was something we were not clear on. I literally have no knowledge of this type of programming. I've attached a picture of the basic design of the interface.

Do I give up with AMX? So you stole protected software and now you want to post it. TP4 is only used for the touch panel graphics, you also need a tpdesivn other bits depending on what you are trying to do. Welcome to AVForums on Xenforo 2.

AMX Controller Panel Design Question [TPDesign4]

Last I checked this wasn't a repository for dealer protected software and other items that infringe on copyright or software dissemination policy. Is it even possible for me to do this? I'm an IT Intern at a medium sized business. Post 4 made on Tuesday May 30, at You will then be able to 'Receive from Panel' The only thing I will say is that it is quite easy to make a complete pigs ear of the panel if not done correctly.

I guess the question to you boss is, 'whats your time worth?

RC: AMX TPDesign Software

The original company has no right to keep the source code. Can this post be removed? User reviews Search reviews. Post 3 made on Monday May 29, at Started by Luminated67 Today at 7: I'm not even sure where it is the room.

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